Digital marketers are always looking for best email marketing tips in 2017. Email marketing will always remain and secret weapon for Digital marketers. In this blog post, we will cover some basic and yet untapped email marketing tips for 2017.
Email Marketing tips and techniques
Email marketing is the oldest form of digital marketing tool.
They are basically chosen for lead generation and tapping new prospective customers.
Although today social media platforms are used for connecting with your target audiences for online lead generation.
But still today email marketing is relevant where social media marketing fails to deliver results.
However, email marketing is not fully optimised and planned.
Digital marketers and businesses should realize and acknowledge the important role of email marketing still today.
Given below awesome easy to follow tips and tricks for a successful email campaign.
Email Marketing Tips in 2017
Clear subject line
The subject line is the first and foremost important Text view that is displayed to your target audience.
It has to relate to the body of your email content.
You can search over the Internet for the targeted spam words that may block your email.
Words such as offer promotion gift reminder should be avoided.
Personalized email
As far as possible try to send emails from your personal name of your corporate account.
This will boost trust from the source of the sender.