Social Media Marketing in 2020
Social Media Marketing is an art of nurturing social traffic through various social media platforms. The goal is to attract attention, visibility, make a presence and drive website traffic and ultimately nurture leads, convert them into sales and generate revenue for your company.
If you know how to plan and execute your social media plan or else take the services of social media marketing agency Mumbai.
Take a look at the statistics from Statista on the growing number of social media users in India with estimates till 2021.

As per the data statistics above, we can clearly witness the growing number of social media users and its popularity in India. Social media agencies in Mumbai have to fully focus on the growing channel to tap prospects for their clients.
Social Media marketing is a process to make your product and brand value reach your audiences, buyers or prospective customers.
In this series of blog post, we shall dive in through the latest social media trends 2020 to follow for achieving the social media goals of your organization in 2020.
So, let’s start with it.
Today, everyone is almost aware and familiar with “what is social media?”
In simple words it is a form of online or electronic communication of websites and social media platforms to enable its users to create, write, share opinions, feedback and participate through social networking sites such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest etc.

Social Media Strategy in 2020
There has been a splurge of social media sites in the market today. All of them have their own pros and cons. Yet, they have their individual subscriber’s base. Social marketing is a core department of digital marketing services. Social media companies in Mumbai are now giving due attention to marketing and promoting clients product and services.
To get list of social media agencies in Mumbai just search in Google search box and you will get list of top suggestions.
Social Media the biggest influence
As per reports and data, Social Media is one of the major influencers in shopping and buying related decisions.
Through Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and other opinions and views are frankly expressed and shared. As per the report shared below above 22000 plus across 5 continents and 25 countries some interesting facts are shared on the influence of social media on your online shopping behavior.

Have a social media marketing Plan
All your marketing activity starts off with a planning process. Have a social media optimization plan designed, prepared and well defined by best digital agencies in Mumbai with the goals that your company wants to achieve with this digital media marketing.
Your corporate goals should be well focused, targeted and measurable.
Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp are the top 3 leaders
You must know at which social media platforms your prospects are and the popular among them.
As per the data from Statista, it is clear that Facebook is the center of all your social media marketing plan and strategy.

Digital advertising agencies in Mumbai often fail to clearly understand how to do social media management Mumbai or to draft a clear social media marketing strategy with social media analytics. In this post, we shall discuss some free tips on how to use this social media marketing tools to derive maximum results from your social media campaign and get the best return on investments (ROI) in this internet marketing service.
In your social media marketing campaign clearly define:
Who are your target audiences?
What is their demographics?
What are their regional preferences?
What is their income group?
What are their problems?
In your campaign ask for solutions?
The whole purpose of above exercise is to generate maximum audience engagement. It should not be only a one-sided communication.
In social media marketing, your major stakeholder is your audience, prospect or customer. How can there be a social media strategy ignoring their voices, views or opinion?
I suggest marketers, always first, put yourself in the shoes of your customer. Ask these questions to yourself first before hitting your campaign to the market:
Why should I buy the product or service?
What product features I want?
Who are the other competitors in the market?
What are the price comparisons?
How much appealing is the advertising campaign?
Does the product or service is as per my requirement?
What discount and offer are offered?
What is the presales Support?
What is the post-sales policy?
What are installation charges, if any?
What is the warranty or guarantee offered?
What are the quality standards of the product or service?
I know all these above questions are a bit of exercise, but trust me, if you comply with most of the above questions by asking them to yourself. There are good chances of getting better ROI on your campaign investments. A good idea is to make a questionnaire of these questions and ask for staff or team to submit an unbiased feedback.

What should be taken care of while planning your social media campaign?
Before getting into the best practices or rules for social media strategy, all businesses should comply with all these given below minimum criteria:
- Have a Website
- Open at least 2 accounts with popular social media platforms (Example Google+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest etc.)
- Have an email list
The reason is very simple, the customer can contact your or view and analyze your product or services.
Know where your target audiences are on Social Media
Before starting the social media campaign the digital marketers and businesses must know where the target audiences are spending their time. There are many social media sites, from your marketing strategy you have to target specific sites. Given below is a study of some popular social media sites, based on a survey of 454 digital marketers across 8 countries.

In all your social media platforms there must be a clear CTA Button Call-to-Action.
Given below are some effective rules or advice for a good social media campaign
Rule # 1
Always remember people in social media platforms such as snap chat, Whatsapp, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter come to connect with their peers and groups. So you have to respect their privacy.
Rule # 2
Don’t be a hard seller. People are not interested in another salesman knocking at their social media site. They want to relax, enjoy and have a cool time with their groups or friends.
Try a smarter marketing approach, use “indirect selling” policy.
If you are unable to devote time personally, hire the services of a professional social media marketing agency.
Rule # 3
As said above Indirect selling comes handy at social media sites to grab the attention of your product or services. The whole purpose or agenda of various social platforms is to connect.
You have to connect with your target audiences using indirect selling approach. The example of it is Tupperware videos. In their unique sales and marketing strategy, housewives have uploaded their YouTube videos with their benefits and experiences.
People want to see real people, real life examples of end users, ultimately consuming your product or services.
Rule # 4
Tell your brand journey story
In your promotion articles, use “story telling” tool.
Narrate your brand journey in a story telling mode.
- When was the company formed?
- Main Purpose of starting the company?
- Promoters who floated the company?
- The number of successful years completed!
- Achievement and success story
- Experiences of loyal customers
- How long your loyal customers have been around?
Remember there are so many other brands and your competitors around and you have to be really distinct from others in your marketing strategy. If you are unable to write posts, hire the services of a website content writer. Various quality social media marketing services are offered today for writing articles for website promotion.

Rule # 5
Be in constant contact with your audiences
Once you have identified your targeted social media platforms and where your target audiences are. Take a practical example of a local boutique and a courier company. Both are distinct businesses. If the courier company promotes itself on the Pinterest platform, it will be a waste of resources and get a negative ROI. In contrast, the Pinterest would be an ideal platform the local boutique to connect with their customers.
The next step is to be in constant contact with them.
Regularly write, post, comment on all the latest trends and updates of your brand, product & services. It applies to all B2B and B2C.
Rule # 6
Mobile Responsiveness
All the major social media accounts are today accessed by users by their smartphones. The digital marketers have to draft their social media campaign with mobile first on their mind. The images should be optimized as per the specifications given by the social media channels.
There is an urgent need for optimizing your website and social media accounts and to leverage the location to deliver more effective and relevant your social media advertisements.
Rule # 7
Videos for Social Media Marketing
All the major social media platforms are adopting a video-first policy or vlogging for their advertising along with features like “live streaming” and “stories”. Video has a major impact on the minds of the viewer and they remember them for more time as compared to blog posts and images.
Rule # 8
Timing of Social Media Campaign
The timing of your social media campaigns is a decisive factor an important online marketing strategy. For particular brands, certain time period or season is a make or break situation. For example, AC – Air Condition manufacturers.
As per news reports from Business Standard, AC manufacturer Blue Star, just before the onset of summer season hiked their digital marketing budget to almost 10% of the company’s total advertising and social media budget from roughly 2% earlier.
Another good example is our prime minister success with social media during election time. As per news report in The Times of India, taking inspiration from the success of social media campaign of our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. In UP alone the BJP used around 11,000 Whatsapp groups to connect with the voters in their constituency.
The JS(S) state president Mr.H.D.Kumaraswamy launched a “social media barrage” to engage and interact with voters online ahead of 2018 assembly elections.
Rule # 9
Use of Wearables Media
As per data study reports from IDC, there has been a splurge in the wearable devices market in India. As per reports (see image below), there was a stringent growth of 41.9 percent in Q2 2016 over the first quarter of 2016. Further, as per IDC Worldwide Quarterly Wearable Device Tracker, the total shipment in Q2 2016 reached over 567,000 units of which the basic Wearables, defined as Wearables which can’t run third party applications, contributed nearly 94 percent.

As per the data reports from above, it is clear that the usage of wearable devices is gaining momentum. Online marketers should gear up for this emerging media segment.
Though the wearable devices segment is new in India, internet marketers need to adapt to it at the earliest. The strength of these devices lies in their ability to measure and monitor their users. Advertisers and social marketers can have a better understanding of their customer behavior and deliver a best social media campaign. Social media consultant or experts need to fully apply the physiological and behavioral data collected from wearable devices.
Rule # 10
Social Media Analytics or Data analysis
In India, data are not used, applied, analyzed or monitored as is done in many developed markets. Social media monitoring is the essence of social media for business. There are many factors behind that.
- Availability
- Reliability
- Source
- Habit of digital marketers/entrepreneur’s in exploring data
- Lack of local micro level market data
The benefit of data analysis should not be restricted to big corporate houses. Even Mid and Small sized businesses should take benefit of the available data. Analyze it and apply to their respective businesses.
One of the latest examples of usage of data analysis is by OLX.
OLX recently has come up with its campaign across all digital media called “6 months Break-up Challenge”.
They intelligently applied the research data based on the insights gathered from CRUST (Consumer Research on Used-Goods and Selling Trends) conducted by leading research firm IMRB, OLX’s annual consumer survey to understand user behavior towards used goods and other consumer trends.
As per the reports, Indians are stocking unused goods to the tune of ₹ 78,300 Crores in their homes. The survey had also revealed that 37% of the respondents cite the age-old excuse of ‘I’ll use it one day’ as their top reason for stocking used items.
Rule # 11
Use Hashtags #
It is often found that digital marketers ignore the importance and benefits of using hashtags in their social media post. It is a kind of online library in which your content is categorized with hashtags.
It is a system of labeling, finding, updating your social media updates. Hashtags are created by users with the common interest, subject or theme which in turn ultimately helps in engaging with the post, images, tweets across social media platforms.
It is like targeting directly to your interested groups.
It is used by adding symbol “#” to a word or before a word without any space. This makes it easier to discover the information with a theme or targeted content. It is like a keyword to finding content.
What are the SEO benefits of using the hashtag (#)?
There are also SEO benefits of using the hashtag, so when you add a hashtag to your post, it is indexed by the social network and available for search to its users. In real time all the search results relevant to that hashtag is available when somebody clicks on that particular hashtag.
Why should I use Hashtags?
By incorporating a hashtag in all your social media campaigns, you get more visibility of your product and services to new prospects
Hashtags are an important SEO strategy for your business
With hashtags, you can also monitor and watch your competitor
For product or services having common theme or interest, hashtags are a better medium to connect and engage with users of social media.
How to use Hashtags?
The rule is simple capitalization does not matter in hashtags. The hashtag has to be one word. For example,
#SociaMediaCampaign and #socialmediacampaign word query will give you’re the same search result.
What are the best practices of using Hashtags?
First, do not overuse hashtags, limit them to maximum 2 or 3 each post or update.
Second, always capitalize the first letter of each word i.e. #SocialMarketingTools. It is now easier to distinguish every word so that it can be read easily.
How to find hashtag online:
Given below is a list of trending and popular hashtags:
How to find hashtags?
It is very easy to find a hashtag. Open any of your social media accounts. For example, go to twitter, log into your account and in the search box type # followed by the word you want to search. You will get a list of all hashtags.
Rule # 12
As well said honesty is the best policy. Never overrate or show features that your product or services don’t have. Just to be better off your competitor don’t portray the picture which you are not. If you don’t have a specific feature that your competitor has, tell honestly your prospects about it and instead reveal them the benefits your or services has over your competitors.
In your post and updates, you can inform your clients the coming up features of your product or services. Your audience will appreciate your honesty and will increase the brand value of your organization.
Rule # 13
Update your Social Pages
It is generally seen entrepreneurs have a lazy approach updating their company profile page. If a prospect is visiting your company page and is unable to find the desired information. Then it is a bad experience and you lose business.
Ensure your company pages is regularly updated with new products, upgrades, future projects and launches, change in address, the opening of a new branch etc.
The more information you provide will have a good customer experience and impression.
So, what is your social media marketing strategy in 2020?
Kindly, share your experiences with our readers for some interesting facts on your social media experiences. Social media is ever-changing and evolving with new tools and technologies. Digital marketers need to upgrade and keep a watch on new emerging trends. The more aware you are the better you stand off in the competition.
If you want further details or discuss your social media marketing strategy, please feel free to call us at +91-8879181833 or write us at We are also among the most preferred digital marketing companies in Mumbai for planning, implementing and executing social media marketing strategy and marketing campaigns.
We are also among the most preferred digital marketing companies in Mumbai for planning, implementing and executing social media marketing strategy and marketing campaigns.
365 digital marketing is a social media marketing companies in Mumbai offering digital marketing agency services such as email marketing, content writing, social media marketing, Google Adwords, Facebook Adverts, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) etc. in India (Navi Mumbai, Thane Mira Road, Vasai-Virar).
We are also offering Ecommerce SEO, Social Media Marketing and SEO services in Mumbai, US, UK, Australia, UAE and other countries.